Current Projects

Current Projects

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins

Sex and Assassins is SSP's first feature film. Currently completing post-production. A wacky comedy about a struggling writer and his muse trying to prove that he's not a bum-slut-bitch. Starring talent Jacob Bruce and Christine Huddle. Film Festival bound for 2017 and 2018.




A thriller short film about a young woman who's getting video messages of herself drowning. Currently being submitted to Film Festivals for 2017 and 2018.

"Miles" - Comedy TV Pilot

Monday, June 23, 2014

11 Ways To Write Faster

How quickly can you create great material?
Here are eleven ways to improve the speed of your creative process:

1. Develop Your Pitch First

Most people think of their pitch as a tool for selling their screenplay, TV pilot, or novel. This is why most people wait to work on their pitch until just before their first meeting with a decision-maker. Unfortunately, as soon as they start to work on the pitch, they often discover significant issues with the core concept—and tank the meeting.
This can be avoided if you incorporate pitching as part of the creative process. At the point where you feel like you have an idea worth considerable time and energy, that’s when you want to start pitching and discovering any problems with your concept.

2. Clarify Your Theme

How many scenes do you have to throw away because—even if they’re great—they don’t quite “fit” the story?
Clarify your theme by making a specific statement your story will prove or a question your story will answer. When you have written your theme precisely, you’ll write more scenes that are “on point.” (For more on this, see Save The Cat by Blake Snyder, p. 73-74.) MORE...