Current Projects

Current Projects

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins

Sex and Assassins is SSP's first feature film. Currently completing post-production. A wacky comedy about a struggling writer and his muse trying to prove that he's not a bum-slut-bitch. Starring talent Jacob Bruce and Christine Huddle. Film Festival bound for 2017 and 2018.




A thriller short film about a young woman who's getting video messages of herself drowning. Currently being submitted to Film Festivals for 2017 and 2018.

"Miles" - Comedy TV Pilot

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Specs & The City: The Threshold Guardian Archetype and ‘The Princess Bride

By: |
 The primary benefit of utilizing archetypes when developing the characters for your screenplay is their universality. By basing your characters, no matter how outlandish or unique, on an archetype model, you’re making it easier for your audience to identify with them; to see part of themselves, or the people they know, or the situation’s they’ve been in, within the world you’ve created. There’s nothing more powerful than that when it comes to storytelling.

Previously, I talked about The Herald and their role in getting the plot moving, and now that your hero has decided to undertake the journey laid out before them it’s time to take a look at…MORE...