Current Projects

Current Projects

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins

Sex and Assassins is SSP's first feature film. Currently completing post-production. A wacky comedy about a struggling writer and his muse trying to prove that he's not a bum-slut-bitch. Starring talent Jacob Bruce and Christine Huddle. Film Festival bound for 2017 and 2018.




A thriller short film about a young woman who's getting video messages of herself drowning. Currently being submitted to Film Festivals for 2017 and 2018.

"Miles" - Comedy TV Pilot

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BREAKING IN: Following “The Five Minute Rule”

BREAKING IN: Following “The Five Minute Rule”

We’ve all seen plenty of great movies that keep secrets from the audience that are revealed later in the story. And there are plenty of classic movies that surprise us with a jaw-dropping “plot reveal” in the end.  But is this something you should emulate in your own scripts?  To quote the late, great Amy Winehouse: “I say, ‘No, No, No!’”
 In a screenplay, your goal is not to be “mysterious” or keep secrets, but to get all the necessary facts about your story out there as quickly and clearly and efficiently as possible.  Yes, I know this may go against much of what you think you know about screenwriting.  But in movies, “Clarity is king.”  You don’t write a mystery by being “mysterious.”  You don’t generate suspense by leaving your audience confused. MORE...