Current Projects

Current Projects

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins - Feature Film

Sex and Assassins

Sex and Assassins is SSP's first feature film. Currently completing post-production. A wacky comedy about a struggling writer and his muse trying to prove that he's not a bum-slut-bitch. Starring talent Jacob Bruce and Christine Huddle. Film Festival bound for 2017 and 2018.




A thriller short film about a young woman who's getting video messages of herself drowning. Currently being submitted to Film Festivals for 2017 and 2018.

"Miles" - Comedy TV Pilot

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Audrey Apple's Holly Weber

One of the three webpilot's SSP entered into the NYTV Festival. Audrey Apple, the comical adventure of screenwriter Audrey and her independent production company. Holly Weber stars as Audrey. Holly had a blast on the production and pending on the webpilot's success at the NYTV Festival and online, hopes to have more shows to come.

The Audrey Apple Webpilot will be online at end of the month at
For more on Holly Weber,